Mariotube Yoshichannel Wikia

Welcome to the mariotube yoshichannel official wiki!

This wiki is the primary wiki about the infamous mariotube yoshichannel's plush videos. On Wednesday, December 4, 2013, a list of mariotube yoshichannel's plush videos were just about to start primarily. In 2014, a number of views has raised a number of views on YouTube. On November 2015, the Google+ community was created by DummyChannel414. At least 19 members managed their way through the community. The website was created sometime later, along with the Spanish google+ community and the backup community created by Mariotube Yoshichannel 2

Mariotube yoshichannel is a youtuber who joined on Wednesday, December 4, 2013. Unfortunately, the account was lost before the new year 2014 arrived. All videos were made in December 2013 and to watch the videos, please go to the channel tab and the most popular video is Mario gets held back and gets grounded. The video has already reached up to 10K views in December 2014 with many subscribers. Despite the video having more likes than dislikes, there are mean and hateful comments to the video.

Mariotube yoshichannel's most popular video he has ever uploaded to YouTube. Despite the video having more than 10K views every 2 minutes, there are only 100 likes and a few dislikes. This video is often mistaken by many people and goanimate users as a ripoff of a goanimate video because apparently the video is recorded by a blue HP laptop which runs slowly. However, the actual reason why the tape is slow is because the camcorder was filmed from YouTube's webcam. The uploader uses YouTube's webcam instead of using cyberlink HP's fast webcam. Unfortunately, YouTube removed their webcam on January 16 2016 because the webcam is rarely used. Goanimate users and other people often mistaken the webcam as a crappy camera because of the computer's lack of storage. The reason this has more likes because it is a video of Mario from YouTube's webcam.

The most important page on this wiki are the Wiki Rules. All wikis have rules that MUST be agreed by EVERY VISITOR of THIS wiki. We do not block users on this wiki to punish them, we block them to prevent future spam and vandalism here. The reason this wiki has these rules is so we can keep this wiki running as smoothly as possible

We have a forum where you can post things what you want. Unless you are being rude and nasty, you won't even get banned for (almost) anything there. On the google+ communities, the forum is called wants and wishes, where you can make a request for a next video
